lördag 2 november 2013

Atheist Society

Atheists always pat themselves on the back on how progressive they are and how they build such awesome societies, so lets take a serious look at how atheist societies function and especially how they function in practice.

So what does the atheistic society promote? Well since the atheist society does not have any Lawgiver it is subject to have the laws changed at a whim, at a moments notice, this makes the atheist society a very dangerous society, compare it with a true Christian nation (there have yet never been one of those in existence, but there's one coming) where the laws are fixed and based upon the Bible and are unchangeable which would not be a dangerous society because the law would be known to all “do this then this happens” but with the very dangerous atheist society a law can be changed and if you belong to a disliked or even hated group you may have the laws be turned against you, that’s one of the grievances we against atheist societies.

Trust is lacking
Another point we have against atheist society is the fact that you can’t really trust an atheist because as in the aforementioned example an atheist don’t have a fixed set of morals, all the atheists are different that means you cannot trust them, as can be read about here: Study: Atheists distrusted as much as rapists which says that people trust atheists as much as rapists because of this shifty and shady character of the general atheist, there are some atheists that can be trusted to an extent but those are far and few between, when you don’t have a moral standard it is very easy to start doing bad things, also when you have none to answer to more than a law that can shift at a moments notice as we talked about in the prior points then how can we trust them to behave? So an atheist society tend to be a society where people do not trust each other. A good example is the city of Liberal, Missouri where atheists tried to start an all atheist city, you can read more about that experiment here. It of course was an utter failure and turned into a den of sin just as atheist societies always does.

Morality is lacking
Talking more about sin, atheist societies have usually as we’ve said a very flimsy view on crime and it’s not surprising, if you look at the picture at the start of the article you see why that is, it is logical that a person that believes they came from a coincidence and believe they go into nothingness will not have a very fixed view on it. This attitude then spills over on society and if we look at the atheist society it looks a lot like the satanic belief system “if it feels good do it” because society nowadays run by atheists is turning very decadent, pornography (large parts of the internet is mainly porn, what is most searched for), violence is all over from entertainment in multimedia, sports, hollyweird, television, computer games and console games, crimes are running rampant all the crime stats are rising (sometime temporarily dipping but the trend is up going), not only that crimes you never even heard or thought about are rising.
Another view of youth crimes: Atheists responsible for youth crimes

Criminality among all
Crime is also found more and more among those that are said to be the establishment, politicians, journalists, police, bankers, corporations. Which leads us to another point since the atheist society is based upon evolutionary thinking and ideas it is no wonder it is moral relativist and in some cases even morally nihilist. And those philosophies are self defeating which leads to a self defeating society as we see atheist societies are, they try to progress but to what end? It’s merely a pathetic excuse to make a point of their meaningless existence which in turn because they will pretend God does not exist will make poor things like hobbies into idols or in some cases turns the State into the idol, just look at communist state where the atheist worship the state and the present leader (and often past leaders) North Korea being a prime example of this, because God has made man in the fashion that man needs something to worship and if man don’t worship God he will worship something else, in the case of the nihilist (which basically is the honest form of atheism going to it’s logical conclusion) they worship nothingness.

Evolutionary thinking
Another point in atheist society and it’s poor state is the teaching of evolution which teaches that man is just an animal, a belief that have severe implications on the thinking of man, people that tend to think that man is a self evolved animal will have many crazy animal like notions, like fornicating anywhere and other traits of animals, basically a beastly outlook on life, the dumber the evolutionist atheist the more beastlike the evolutionist atheist will come across. Is it any wonder someone that is beastlike in their thinking will respect any laws? Someone that is beastlike will only respect force because force means the beastlike state may be ended, which leads us to the fact that the atheist people have in the justice system has been fighting against the death penalty and has lowered the amount of time a person will have to spend in jail, which means more crime and more problems. A good example of beastlike behaviour we find in school shootings, this article has a good take on it and it upsets atheists and beastlike persons:
Finland School Shootings: The Sad Evolution Connection

Furthermore the atheist society tend to turn into cultural relativism as well, that says all cultures are valid and equal, this means that deadly cultures like the islamic culture and also the atheist culture are considered valid when the fruits of these culture are death continually, which leads us to the next point the worship of death in atheist society, this worship of death when a society goes from a Christian one to an atheist one is usually started with the practice of abortion which is basically just the old pagan sacrifice of children to idols, by murdering the children, the abortion practice just starts earlier than the old pagan sacrifice that had to wait until the child was born (a practice that is returning in the form of infanticide that is promoted as we speak). Then it moves on to willing euthanasia and then it goes on to unwilling euthanasia where weak, old, handicapped and others that are deemed an economic loss are murdered to save money and in the next phase there are death camps for anyone that is not willing to go along ideologically.

Which lead us into the fields of genocide and democide. Atheist societies tend to murder people by the millions not only those in the womb, the unborn, but also those that are already born as we have already mentioned above. As many as 250+ million has been murdered by atheists in the last 100 years or so which of course are numbers the atheists fight because they don’t want this illusion they’ve built up to be destroyed before they have actually murdered all that would oppose them.

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